The World's Best Tool for Having GOOD REQUIREMENTS

1. What is WholeTEAM?

WholeTEAM™ is an agile requirements definition and management framework (RDMF) that helps mission–critical application teams keep their products always* successful, always meeting business needs well. (*from product inception until product end of life (EOL)) It is a tool for having GOOD REQUIREMENTS. It enables mission–critical application teams to have GOOD REQUIREMENTS.

Your Mission–Critical Applications Always Successful, Always Meeting Business Needs Well!

To keep your mission–critical applications always successful, always meeting business needs well, you need to have GOOD REQUIREMENTS. Without having GOOD REQUIREMENTS you cannot keep your mission–critical applications always successful, always meeting business needs well. WholeTEAM enables you to have GOOD REQUIREMENTS.

2. Problem It Solves

WholeTEAM solves struggling with requirements, it solves not having good requirements.

Struggling with requirements is common in enterprise software development and maintenance (i.e., in DevOps) projects. It is common in information technology (IT) modernization projects.

Struggling with requirements results in mission–critical applications that do not meet business needs well, in wasted time, and in wasted money. It leads organizations to underperform and struggle today in the digital age.

Struggling with requirements can be fatal.

WholeTEAM solves this problem.

3. How It Works

WholeTEAM works by facilitating requirements–related intra–team and inter–team communication. A common root cause of struggling with requirements is poor requirements–related intra–team or inter–team communication. It does that by being a simple requirements language that is common to everyone — to Senior Leaders, Business, PMO, and IT — i.e., to the whole product team. By being one, WholeTEAM facilitates requirements–related intra–team and inter–team communication and enables mission–critical application teams to have GOOD REQUIREMENTS.

4. Key Benefits

WholeTEAM will help you:
  • keep your mission–critical applications always successful, always meeting business needs well
  • save time
  • save money
It will help you gain organizational performance and thrive today in the digital age.

5. WHY WholeTEAM? I.e., How Is WholeTEAM Different?

WholeTEAM is simple, effective, and efficient. That is what is unique about WholeTEAM.

What makes WholeTEAM especially effective is (a) its small set of features, (b) the fact that each one of its features (its concepts) by itself is simple and well–defined, and (c) the high quality of its features' interrelationships—i.e., the high degree of naturalness, concreteness, and coherence of its features' interrelationships.

From what we can tell the first publicly available requirements definition and management framework (RDMF,) and conceivably even the first RDMF — and, with most if not all of its features being quite simple and original — WholeTEAM advances the state of the art in requirements/software development tools.

6. Who It Is For

WholeTEAM is designed for mission–critical application teams. It is designed for mission–critical application team members: Senior Leaders, Business, PMO, and IT. If you are a mission–critical application team, or, a member of one, WholeTEAM is for you.

7. How To Use

Three easy steps to using WholeTEAM
  1. Learn it: study closely each one of its features. WholeTEAM 2024 (WT2024,) last updated and general availability released on 30 November 2024, has just 10, or, depending on how you look at it, just 12, features or "Framework Pages:"

            1. GOOD REQUIREMENTS
            2. The Secret to Keeping Your Mission–Critical Applications
                Always Successful, Always Meeting Business Needs Well
            3. WholeTEAM Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Model
                       3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7
            Glossary of Acronyms

    Each feature by itself is simple. Each feature can be accessed in full from the framework home page left navigation menu or sub-menu with just one click. And, each feature is well-defined.
  1. Share it with your teammates as needed: share your understandings of it with your teammates as needed, and
  1. Speak in it on your projects, in order to have GOOD REQUIREMENTS. I.e., based on your best understandings of it, give your input as needed on your projects, in order to have GOOD REQUIREMENTS.

    When it comes to having GOOD REQUIREMENTS and keeping your mission–critical applications always successful, always meeting business needs well, as a member of your product teams, and, therefore, as the effective product owner of your mission–critical applications, your input is what makes all the difference!

8. Terms Of Use

WholeTEAM is free to use and it always will be. Ephrem owns WholeTEAM and he has made it free for everyone to use. Anyone can use it free of cost.

9. Your Feedback Is Welcome

Your feedback is welcome. Please contact Ephrem for any feedback on WholeTEAM. He can be reached at ephrembartolomeos@ Thank you.
Ephrem Bartolomeos, CEO, WholeTEAM Technologies
Nov 2024